Saturday, October 8, 2011

Me is Ky! Jk it's Amy haha

I wuv you guys even though i dont know any of you cept ky (: haha wrll Hy Ky! I Just saw you today/yesterday! And i will after this weeks wensday so yeah (: i love the site it makes me want to talk and not be all BLAH BLAH BLAH! i was serinating (sp obviously) ky bohemian rhapsody and i was sooo happy i new almsoy every single word! I also sang the song Ky spelt wrong down there (: and we both watched Tangled and iw as about to cry. It was a beautiful movie (: even though i lredicted the hole thing :) haha well yeah. I'm a ninja and i need $4

~Love always Amy (:

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