Monday, October 31, 2011

Tis I! Rocky! The Mighty Dinosour in THE TuTu!

So if that doesnt ive ir away it's me. Amy! Marchig band ends tomorow (bwing the alst concert and all.... ): makea me kinda sad. I've been soooooooooooo tired lately...... I bet none of you all readers have to be at school EVERY morning at 6:20... In the morning... :/ MAKES ME SOOOOOOO TIRES!!! and makes me an angry pumpkin! But i've been having "issues" with boys at school whih are just soo entertaining i just gace up trying to convince people i dont feel ways and watch! Lalala i came oncaus ei'm half aslep on halloween with no one to talk to and am really tired. So my grammar maybe worse then normal O.O i read 9 books today. And not a 100- book more like all of them 400+ book! Tryouts are wednesday. Not excited! KYLIE I NEED TO TALK TO YOU BOUR STUFF AND I MAY DELEATE THIS POST CAUSE I FORGOT WHAT I WAS TALKIN BOUT AND I AM GOIN TO BED AND I TIRED BUT COME ON AND READ THIS AND TEXT MEEEEEEEEEEEE (yeah....) I LOVEEE YOU BUNNYS!!!

~love always Amy

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