Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who's posting nowwww?????lemme give you a hint. Im not Amy(:

Hehehe,couldn't resist.
What's up peoples?? So, Amy isn't here :(( so I'm sad. But hopefully I can see her soon!! Our schools face each other next week, but I won't be here :((( Wahhhhhh!!!!!! But instead I'll be at Hogwarts!! :D heck ya!!! So psyched!!
Me is tiredddd. I should be studying for midterms.but I don't wanna.I studied for 3 hours yesterday. I think that should be good enough for now :P lol. I take midterms early cuz I'm going on vacation Sunday night (: so I take the tests Friday :/
Wednesday is my mama and dads anniversary :))) me es excited for them. 20 years!! Dang! Lol
Well,ima go now.mom wants me to study :/ blahh. Byeeeeeeez.

Later lovies!!!

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