Friday, September 23, 2011

Hiya everyone! Kylie here!

Amyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!!! that way we can blog about all our hilairous events that go on!! we'll give all our followers a laugh! haha. yeah i was mouthing the words in the songs during Lion King and some kid kept kicking my seat throughout the whole thing!!! the girl was 3 tho and i heard her mom kept whispering her to stop. Momm read your post and laughed her head off when she saw you say you had "Hoible grammer" Just outta curiousity, are you on a sugar rush? ahahahaha. When we han g out, we should go see Abduction!!!! i wanna seee it so bad!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE SCHOOL?!?!?!?! Lucky!!! ugh, we did. but we dont have it october 14 cuz thats when we have homecoming :D idk when our schools face each other, but i'll find out!! and i'll let ya know!!! :)
So, hows everyone else who's reading our insane convos? hahaahahhaa. hope you enjoy our blogg!! <3


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