Friday, September 30, 2011


I.Am.FREEZING!!!! (idc if I spelled that wrong!) it's cold!!!!!!! Sooooo, as Amy said in the last post, I went to my friends homecoming. It was fun :) but there was WAYYYYY to much grinding. That kinda annoyed me. But my schools homecoming is in a few weeks :D anyone wanna help me convince Amy to come? Hahahahha. Amy was mad at me cuz I saw Abduction without her. BUT IN MY DEFENSE, I FORGOT ABOUT OUR PLANS!! And plus we can still see it together! It was goooood. Idk why critics are giving it horrible ratings. Then again, I was drooling over Taylor Lautner. (hahahahaha not literally) Im loving CODY SIMPSON's new album and DEMI LOVATO's new album as well. :) haha
I hate school. It's boring. But we had a pep assembly so that was kinda fun. Except someone sprayed silly string at everyone and got a lot of it in my hair -_- and with me having super curly hair, it didn't come out to well. My friends had to get it out for me. And I still have tiny bits of it in my hair. But other then that, I guess schools tolerable. Haha. Well, I'm going now :) byeeee

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