Sunday, September 18, 2011

Itsss KY!!!! (Plus response to Amy since i cant write a stupid comment. grrrr)

Holaa!!!! Ky here! Sooooooooo, its been a while since i've writen so i got on and see Amy wrote a post! :D (BTW Amy, niceeeeee. hahah) I tried to comment on it but it wont let me. :( grrrrrrr. So Amy, sorry but i can't help ya with the geomoetry. i suck at it. hahahaha.
Anyways!!! I saw Lion King 3D today with my bro!! Some kid behind me kept kicking my seat -_- Oh and listen to this convo i had with dad at dinner (we went to Olive garden :D )

Me-My neck has been killing me for the past few days.
Dad-So what you're saying is, you're a pain in the neck?
Me: -_-

wowwwwwww. yeah i gottta great family, don't I? LOL!!!! Seriously, i love my family! well, byeeeezzz!!!!

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