Friday, December 23, 2011



Love Amy and Kylie<3

(Star Wars Imperial March Theme song [Or Darth Vadors song]) "She's back" (Creapy voice)

So me is back [= Good English= me! Ha ha ha ha Well at Ky's (no surprise [that rhymes])  and I want to watch a scary movie. She wants to watch Chain Mail and I want to watch the Saws! Saw is like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much betta! Gota' admit it! Well I reakky just want to watch a Scary movie to wake me up! I'm a ninja. Well Idk what to say so BUH BYE

Love you always <3 AMAY

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mom-(Blabbing bout the anestesia) me-Call it you will, I still see it as going back to sleep

Soooo,I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. In SO MUCH PAIN!!! So I'm not in much of a funny mood. Sorry guys. Hopefully Amy posts soon. She'll get u guys laughing more!!! Lol. Oh, and my bros best friend says I might be becoming Anti social. ME! ANTI SOCIAL!! HAHAHAHA wow. People amaze me. I'm gonna go now. Night

Have you ever met a vamp on drugs?

As in prescription cause i have her names ky (its amyyy) and i'm having a bad day. I'm singing a sad son and ot hasnt turned around. Stupid persn who wrote that lied :/ oh well. Its rainig. Its cold. I got shin splints and ky got her wisdom teeth removed. I didnt get a video :/ sad face. Well i'm bored and i need a shower so i'll take one in an hour byeeeee wuvssss yah!

~love always The Great Amy <3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Friends who text me at 3 am:" Hey u sleeping?" me "No I'm freaking skydiving to hogwarts where I'll help fight in a battle against narnians and then ride my Dragon alongside Eregon."

So I'm trying to make my titles as funny as Amy's. How am I doing so far? Hahaha.
So,I'm super excited cuz Amy's gonna shadow me at my school, so I get to spend the whole day with her and I'm gonna get in so much freaking trouble cuz we won't stop talking :P I told mom how cool it'd be if Amy came to my school and mom just went "Oh gosh, the school would explode." then again she said the same thing when me and my 3 bests friends a had health together last year. Hahaha now THAT was fun!!!! Lemme tell u what, me, my 3 best friends,my crazy health teacher,and learning CPR DO NOT MIX WELL!!! my friend brough in a blow up 'Annie' dummy and my teacher LOVED IT. She called it her 'ET Annie.' it was weeiirrrrddddd. Lol.
Ugh,I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow :/ im gonna be soooooo LOOOOOOOPPYYYYYYY. Amy told dad to take a video of me after the surgery so she can see how I act under anesthesia. -_- THANKS A LOT AMY!!!! haha. If he does take a video,depending on what it's like I MIGHT post it here :P (yeah keep dreaming)
My bro has been having his bestfriend over a lot and let me tell u what, they are 10x funnier then me and Amy. Like, I dot even need any electronics around when they are in the same room as me cuz they're so freaking hilarious!!! Lol.
Well, I better get to bed.get up at 8 for wisdom teeth. Blahhhhhhhhh. Pray for me!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

"Knock knock" "Whos there" "You know" "You know who?" "YES!" *Kills* hehehe. im in a harry potter mood. oh and im Kylie.

WHATS UP MY PEOPLES?!?!??!?!??!! hahahaha. IM WITH AMY!!! Let the partyyyyy beginnnnnnn!!!!!! hehe. Soooooooo, Harry potter came out today. its 11/11/11. but most improtantly.....
HAPPY VETERANS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get to spend today with my wonderful magnificent absolutly possitivly most beautfiul cousin, AMY!!!!! My daddy is one the radio right now with my bro so i havent seen him at all today :((( BUt HES ON THE RADIO!!!! SO COOL!!! lol.
So Amy is spending the weekend with us. its gonna be fun. AS ALWAYS!!! we're gonna go see breaking dawn next week :D and on the 22nd i get my wisdom teeth out :((( WAHHHHHHHHHHH an on the 16th, i get my hair permanently straightened!!!! :D
so....i dont know what else to put right now. i'll write again later..BYEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZz

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So yeah.... Tis I. Amy xP if you haven't noticed. SO I've been trying to type not like how I talked. It's pretty hard. Do you know how hard it is? VERY HARD!! Well anyways I'm pretty psyched for tomorow (I'm spending the weekend with Ky) Well my levy didn't pass so I MAY loose all extras and sports and honors classes. So I'm pretty bumbed about that. So I may get to go to Kys school :P well yeah. I'm a dinosour ninja who lost her powers from my mission in Austalia. Be jealous.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


So obviOusly it's me. The great Amy... Jk i'm crippled so i'm not THAT great right now! Haha so i'm at the not so cripled house right now (meaning Ky) and i made her background and all be my glorious eye! I didnt realy feel like adding her and myself little title in the name so i am doing this like that i dont feel like delelting this cause i'm being videod rigt now. So yeah.... Haha i'm tired and atttt kysssss and i'm bout to tell ky (i am right now) to make us watch a fun movie. She interupted me and said "lord of the rings or eclipse. So MEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOOOOO yeah. I'm done cause i dont feel like saying this outloud anymore. (i am on video and readin what i'm typing out loud and all so yeahhh......) byeeeee!!!

~Love alwayssa Amyyyyyy the Cripled

Thursday, November 3, 2011


So I'm facetimimg Ky..... so I'm Amy.... obviously hahaha wow this is slow......... blah blah blah blah I made my basketball team and marching band ended. SO I'm going to be yet again busy  hahah I''m an awkward pinaple under the sea who cant spell worth anything! so yeah. you jellenI loveeeeeeeee random singing time with myself!!!!!!! just sayin. Don't tell me I'm wrong but I just saw this ninja be all ninja like and all.... then i realized i was looking in a miror. i dont know why i'm on but i have a book fanatic stuff so if you want to email me about books most things i've already read but i still want to know. (ky ignore) (people he may possibly read this...... email me [: )  KY TAKES HER TEMPS TOMOROW!!!!!!!!!!! I am staring at Kys eye so yeah... bye....

~love alway Amy!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tis I! Rocky! The Mighty Dinosour in THE TuTu!

So if that doesnt ive ir away it's me. Amy! Marchig band ends tomorow (bwing the alst concert and all.... ): makea me kinda sad. I've been soooooooooooo tired lately...... I bet none of you all readers have to be at school EVERY morning at 6:20... In the morning... :/ MAKES ME SOOOOOOO TIRES!!! and makes me an angry pumpkin! But i've been having "issues" with boys at school whih are just soo entertaining i just gace up trying to convince people i dont feel ways and watch! Lalala i came oncaus ei'm half aslep on halloween with no one to talk to and am really tired. So my grammar maybe worse then normal O.O i read 9 books today. And not a 100- book more like all of them 400+ book! Tryouts are wednesday. Not excited! KYLIE I NEED TO TALK TO YOU BOUR STUFF AND I MAY DELEATE THIS POST CAUSE I FORGOT WHAT I WAS TALKIN BOUT AND I AM GOIN TO BED AND I TIRED BUT COME ON AND READ THIS AND TEXT MEEEEEEEEEEEE (yeah....) I LOVEEE YOU BUNNYS!!!

~love always Amy

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who's posting nowwww?????lemme give you a hint. Im not Amy(:

Hehehe,couldn't resist.
What's up peoples?? So, Amy isn't here :(( so I'm sad. But hopefully I can see her soon!! Our schools face each other next week, but I won't be here :((( Wahhhhhh!!!!!! But instead I'll be at Hogwarts!! :D heck ya!!! So psyched!!
Me is tiredddd. I should be studying for midterms.but I don't wanna.I studied for 3 hours yesterday. I think that should be good enough for now :P lol. I take midterms early cuz I'm going on vacation Sunday night (: so I take the tests Friday :/
Wednesday is my mama and dads anniversary :))) me es excited for them. 20 years!! Dang! Lol
Well,ima go wants me to study :/ blahh. Byeeeeeeez.

Later lovies!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Me is Ky! Jk it's Amy haha

I wuv you guys even though i dont know any of you cept ky (: haha wrll Hy Ky! I Just saw you today/yesterday! And i will after this weeks wensday so yeah (: i love the site it makes me want to talk and not be all BLAH BLAH BLAH! i was serinating (sp obviously) ky bohemian rhapsody and i was sooo happy i new almsoy every single word! I also sang the song Ky spelt wrong down there (: and we both watched Tangled and iw as about to cry. It was a beautiful movie (: even though i lredicted the hole thing :) haha well yeah. I'm a ninja and i need $4

~Love always Amy (:

IM WITH AMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!

What's upp peopless???? nothing really here. just hanging out with my best friend/sister/cousin/it thing/fairy princess/Gangstaaaaaaa/lovey/most amazing person that walked this earth (next to Jesus) so we just got back from the tailors so i could get my homecoming dress fitted. i've given up on begging Amy to come with me. SO Amy, YOU WIN!!!!!! hahaha.We sang Akoona Matata,Bearnaseities/ im spelling all this wrong but i dont care. hahahahahahahahaha. Oh it's Bare Necessities. Thanks Amy :) lol. I love you cousin (Amy)  to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We're gonna see abduction later :D sooooo excited!!!So Amy, when you coming to youth group?? haha. well im gonna hang out with Amy. Later!!!



I AM WITH MY FAVORUTE COUSIN/SISTER/BESTFRIEND/IT THING/FAIRY PRINCESS/CUTIE PI/LOVELY PERSON! Shes getting a pretty dress tailored. It looks lovely and shes not going to convince me to go (: haha i'm not going to wear a dress. Haha we sang lots of interesting songs i cant spell from disney old movies that we watche when we were little i LUVVV HERRRRR hahaha idk what to say but ky and her mom and kne of my fav aunts to see abduction :) so yeah alls forgiven. I found out that a guy from my school and whos in the regiment with me goes ro youth group with ky so lets just say i'm going to youth group in a few weeks :) haha well idk what to say and i promise i'll post somethig on in a little bit. BYEEE

~love Amy always

Friday, September 30, 2011


I.Am.FREEZING!!!! (idc if I spelled that wrong!) it's cold!!!!!!! Sooooo, as Amy said in the last post, I went to my friends homecoming. It was fun :) but there was WAYYYYY to much grinding. That kinda annoyed me. But my schools homecoming is in a few weeks :D anyone wanna help me convince Amy to come? Hahahahha. Amy was mad at me cuz I saw Abduction without her. BUT IN MY DEFENSE, I FORGOT ABOUT OUR PLANS!! And plus we can still see it together! It was goooood. Idk why critics are giving it horrible ratings. Then again, I was drooling over Taylor Lautner. (hahahahaha not literally) Im loving CODY SIMPSON's new album and DEMI LOVATO's new album as well. :) haha
I hate school. It's boring. But we had a pep assembly so that was kinda fun. Except someone sprayed silly string at everyone and got a lot of it in my hair -_- and with me having super curly hair, it didn't come out to well. My friends had to get it out for me. And I still have tiny bits of it in my hair. But other then that, I guess schools tolerable. Haha. Well, I'm going now :) byeeee

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's Amy!!

I'm tired. ): i've litterally been doing a full out cleaning session and i'm bojt to die frim being so tired. Most of my friends are at homecomig andbi didnt go to mine and ky at this one with this guy and he wants me to go to hers bur idk lol i'm tired and i wanted to blog... Nighttt

~loving youuuu

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hiya everyone! Kylie here!

Amyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!!! that way we can blog about all our hilairous events that go on!! we'll give all our followers a laugh! haha. yeah i was mouthing the words in the songs during Lion King and some kid kept kicking my seat throughout the whole thing!!! the girl was 3 tho and i heard her mom kept whispering her to stop. Momm read your post and laughed her head off when she saw you say you had "Hoible grammer" Just outta curiousity, are you on a sugar rush? ahahahaha. When we han g out, we should go see Abduction!!!! i wanna seee it so bad!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE SCHOOL?!?!?!?! Lucky!!! ugh, we did. but we dont have it october 14 cuz thats when we have homecoming :D idk when our schools face each other, but i'll find out!! and i'll let ya know!!! :)
So, hows everyone else who's reading our insane convos? hahaahahhaa. hope you enjoy our blogg!! <3


I Amy again heartssss

Ky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to hang out again!! Like i want to tomorow!!!! I saw lion king in 3D too!!!!! It was beautiful!!!!!! Lol even thoigh it wasnt in 3D but i was singing really obnociously and i know thats not how you spell it!! I have hoible grammar so sorry!!! Dx i'm also bad at spelling but i'm the best at both in my school!! O.O haha i got a noseeeeee!!! Unlike Voldo!!!!!!!!!!!! and we need to wath a movieeeeeeeee ky!!! Oh!! And yeah i'm like hyper!! I didnt even have coffee yet!!! (my new obsession...!!!) lalala i have marching band tonight and we didnt have school today so i'm going to bebreally hyper at the footballgame i wont watch but i'll have funnn!!!!!!!!!! Kylieeee when does our schools face eahother??

~Love always!!!!!! Amyyyy!!!!!!!!!! <3

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Itsss KY!!!! (Plus response to Amy since i cant write a stupid comment. grrrr)

Holaa!!!! Ky here! Sooooooooo, its been a while since i've writen so i got on and see Amy wrote a post! :D (BTW Amy, niceeeeee. hahah) I tried to comment on it but it wont let me. :( grrrrrrr. So Amy, sorry but i can't help ya with the geomoetry. i suck at it. hahahaha.
Anyways!!! I saw Lion King 3D today with my bro!! Some kid behind me kept kicking my seat -_- Oh and listen to this convo i had with dad at dinner (we went to Olive garden :D )

Me-My neck has been killing me for the past few days.
Dad-So what you're saying is, you're a pain in the neck?
Me: -_-

wowwwwwww. yeah i gottta great family, don't I? LOL!!!! Seriously, i love my family! well, byeeeezzz!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tis I!!!!!! Amy!!!!!!

So you know. This is mine and Ky's lovely blog... Obviously haha!! Well I dont feel like re reading to what i said before but i want to talk bout stuff!!! So yeah me and Ky are 15!!! I play te TUBAAAA and i'm a basketball forawrd. And i'll edit this to add more and i'm stufying!!! And ky next time you read this since your not with me... HELP MR WITH MY GEOMETRY!!!!

~love always Amy <3

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wise words of Amyyyy

Sooooooooooooooooo, last night with my cousin, she was saying so many funny things and i was putting them as my status on fb. but then i realized there to many funny things that she was saying to i put the quotes on my phone. now i'll share them with you!

"I wonder if you can Avada kedavra yourself"

"I WANT A PURPLE IPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"If you say sorry one more time, i'm gonna slap you in the face!"

"Computer down, tv off, phone away! WE ARE PLAYING HARRY POTTER!" (We're 15 mind you. haha)

"SUGAR RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm the demon child at school."


"HA HA HA. HA HA HA (Serious tone) Funny."

"NO!!!!! I don't wanna leave!!! I don't wanna get out of the lazy river!!! No!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"The lines to long. Let's just go to the Lazy river. cuz i'm lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

"My dream is to marry one of Bill Gates' long lost, british, male model twin sons that is my age. Kylie can have the other"
"Who'd want a red iphone? I'd just color mine red. DUDE WHAT IF IT WAS PURPLE?!?!??!?!?!"

hahahahahahhahah,im like, cracking up as i write this! hope i  gave you a luagh! :P


Saturday, September 3, 2011


Tis I!!! Amy!!!!! The lovely one!!! Haha I'm all happy haha I'm the one in the picture down there with the straightened hair... Or is it up there?? Haha idk... Well i'm hyper me and ky likr to play child games... Rp i guess?? Haha i'm a hyperactive child and kys house is my second home and idk i'm bored and on my phone!!! Well me and ky were born in the same year but shes older by few months hahahahahahahahhahHhhahhahhahahahahahahahahaha lol giggles teehee so anyways i'm bore and forgot what i was going to say xP byeee!!!

~Love always, Amy!!

Ps... We're both 15 and single lol xP not desperate though xP

Welcome to our blog!!!

Soooooooooooo. This is Kylie. Welcome to me and my sister/best friend/cousin/object/thingy/gangstaaa Amyyyyyy OFFCIAL blog!!!!
On this blog we will post funny moments and random stuff we might just feel like putting on here :) We're very random so be prepared. haha. sooo, yeah it the follow button and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
~Kylie and Amyyyyyyyy

Oh, and check out my blog